Ok it is time for all people to start taking back our country from the progressive movement. This blog is my attempt to do just that. I hope by sharing my views and other information you will think, become angry, question your own beliefs, but most of all become engaged in debate to return our country to the place the founders intended.
I started to worry about our country during the 2008 election (better late than never). We had a choice between a progressive and an even worse progressive. By progressive I mean someone who believes that the Constitution is a living breathing document open for interpretation and evolving as time goes by. They believe it is full of negative rights which limit the government too much. The founders intended for the Constitution to stand the test of time and protect the freedoms granted by God upon us all. The founders gave us a method to “mold” the constitution to fit changing times and it was called the amendment process. Progressives choose not to use it because it is a difficult proposition. Instead they trample our rights and infringe on the Constitution little by little because we have become ignorant and complacent and unwilling to pull ourselves away from American Idol, and Sport Center to pay attention to do what is going on around us. It is easier to keep electing the same old slugs every November then we can bury our head again for the next two or four years.
WAKE UP AMERICA!!! IT IS TIME TO GET BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION. A limited federal government that only protects interstate trade, mutual protection, and represents the States in foreign affairs is all that our founders intended for this country. Read the founder’s intentions for the constitution. Read about their fears for the republic. Read what they knew we would become if we chose to sit back, become complacent and allow ourselves to be taken care of by the nanny state. I surely hope that they cannot see what is going on today in this country from their place in heaven. I am sure they would be ashamed, and full of rage. Rage for all the lives that were lost in forming and protecting this republic that now seem wasted because of how far we have traveled far from what they fought so hard for. Rage for the nanny state that we have become where a man doesn’t need to work by the sweat of his brow to provide for himself and his family because Government will be taking care of us. Rage for the freedoms that we have given up in the name of protection and self-governing because the Government knows best.
The stench of progressivism is rampant in Washington. It is on the left and right side of the isles. The stench of progressivism fills my nostrils and makes me ill. It is time America for us to become again that shinning beacon on the hill. That shows the majestic beauty of freedom from sea to sea. To be the hope for the oppressed, and the goal for all who are weighted down by a tyrannical regime. It is time to be the ones who burn with freedom and independence again.
God bless you, and may God bless and restore the United States of America.