Thursday, August 26, 2010

The first time in the Obama Administration the Media admits they love him, they really love him!

Finally, the media admits it's bias to the left!!!!!!!!

Krauthammer talks about the bad economy

Yes Charles the President pulled us back from the brink... So he could back the bus up and get a running jump off the cliff!

Laura Ingram Grills Eric Cantor

I am sorry, but it doesn't sound like the republicans have learned anything. Get some balls buddy and say, we will continue to post bills to repeal ObamaCare until it is dead. The Jack Ass is politicing.

The Second Amendment being attacked like the fox hitting the hen house

All you who hunt or just love the second amendment, you have to see this one...

Rush defends Sarah Palin (and makes some great points)

The "King Maker" has spoken...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

Take the time to watch this. It will take about an hour, but it is very interesting. Should be watched by all.

Using images from Arab TV, rarely seen in the West, Obsession reveals an ‘insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. With the help of experts, including first-hand accounts from a former PLO terrorist, a Nazi youth commander, and the daughter of a martyred guerilla leader, the film shows, clearly, that the threat is real. A peaceful religion is being hijacked by a dangerous foe, who seeks to destroy the shared values we stand for. The world should be very concerned.

Another point of view

Wow... I think Rush can be a jerk many times, but spot on here.

Rush: Will Obama stand up for rights of Fred Phelps too?
Uploaded by therightscoop. - Up-to-the minute news videos.

John Voit writes an open letter to all Americans.

Well said John, well said.

Ground Zero Mosque

Boy, I still don't know how I fall on this. I know I don't want it there, but are we crossing the lines of religious freedom? Do we have the right to tell any person/organization what they can do with their property, or how they can worship even a few yards from Ground Zero? I am not sure. Will continue to study the issue. In the mean time here are some interesting clips.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The thought Police are out when you tell the truth about Obama.

From Brietbart...

WJLA-TV, a Washington, D.C. ABC affiliate, suspended reporter Doug McKelway following his alleged “partisan” comments at a liberal rally on Capitol Hill marking the three-month anniversary of the Gulf oil spill. Video of the broadcast tells a different story:

Apparently facts are now “partisan.”

McKelway stuck to the truth about BP’s political contributions and pending cap-and-trade legislation, newsworthy subjects given that the event’s organizers were lobbying to “pass legislation to end America’s addiction to oil and urged lawmakers to donate campaign money raised from the oil industry to the clean-up efforts in the Gulf.”

According to the Washington Post, it was McKelway’s supposedly controversial comments on July 20 that led to his suspension. Anonymous sources at the station are now accusing him of “insubordination” in an apparent attempt to fire him.
McKelway’s live report began with a factually correct statement about BP’s donations to President Obama. McKelway accurately noted that Obama received $77,051 from the BP employees, information verified by the Center for Responsive Politics.

When McKelway asked one of the event’s participants to comment on it, Ted Glick of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network acknowledged it was a problem for Obama. The rally was organized by left-wing groups Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and Public Citizen.

At the end of the live segment, McKelway talked about the prospect of cap-and-trade legislation in the Senate, a topic related to the rally, which urged lawmakers to “take immediate action to pass climate and energy legislation.”

Nevertheless, the Washington Post, quoting anonymous sources, indicated McKelway’s report crossed the line. The newspaper reported:

According to several of McKelway’s colleagues, the newsman’s reporting may have lapsed into partisan territory when he commented live on the air about the oil industry’s influence in Washington, particularly its contributions to Democratic politicians and legislators.

This is absolutely absurd. The Post’s decision to use anonymous sources to smear McKelway was bad enough, but reporter Paul Farhi also wrote a subjective description of the broadcast instead of simply stating the facts. The newspaper’s own reporters engage in flagrant partisan behavior on a daily basis.

WJLA’s station manager and news director declined to comment on the personnel matter. McKelway isn’t talking either.

Based on what we know — and discounting the questionable and anonymous sources in Farhi’s story — it appears this is a classic case of the mainstream media silencing those who report inconvenient truths about this administration. McKelway is a veteran newsman who has consistently strived for balance in reporting. Unfortunately, in a news environment like Washington, D.C, liberals don’t always like the facts. In this case, McKelway appears to have suffered the consequences.

Three things you should know about Islam before it affects you!

Interesting little video. I will do as the clip states and look into things further. It is worth your watching.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boy Scouts Give the President a warm welcome

Somebody should let the President know that the BSA tends to produce some of the country's most conservative people, so he should have expected no better of a welcome when he sends a video tape instead of showing up live at the jamboree celebrating their 100th anniversary!

New idea to go next to the Mosque at Ground Zero

I am putting my money in this!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Report: Keith Olbermann Out At Football Night In America


I am moon walking around the room on this one. Now the Cabbage Patch, and now the sprinkler, and finally the running man!

Football Night In America
Keith Olbermann
by Dan Fogarty 8:26 pm, August 5th, 2010

Keith Olbermann will not appear on the upcoming season of NBC’s Sunday night football show, Football Night in America, according to a report by SbB cited “multiple media and network television sources” in the report.

Some members of the FNIA cast and crew were made aware of the news Tuesday at a preseason production meeting in New York City.

Network television sources confirmed to me that Olbermann’s departure from FNIA was not due to any conflict with cast or production crew members. I was also given no indication that Olbermann’s politics had anything to do with the move (editorial comment by the blogger... IT WAS).

Last season, Olbermann anchored FNIA, which served as the lead-in to NBC’s ratings monster Sunday Night Football. NBC stacked the show with on-air talent in 2009: in addition to Olbermann, Dan Patrick, Bob Costas, Tony Dungy, Rodney Harrison, and Peter King appeared.

Rachel Maddow and Dave Letterman Hammer Fox News and Andrew Breitbart

Really!!! You know gang, let us not let facts get into the way. CNN, and MSNBC all ran this before Fox News showed this. Has anyone ever proved that Breitbart was the one who cut this video together? My understanding is that he was given the video this way.

I really do agree with Dave, we should let racism end. Somebody should tell the Dem’s this.

Tidal Wave Predicted in the November Election

Boy I sure hope they are right!!!

Black Conservatives Stand Up to the Media

This is one of the most powerful video I have ever seen. You have a group of African Americans who are brave enough to stand up and call out the NAACP, and other groups who want to play the race card. I have been touched to no end. I do have hope for my country’s future.

God Bless them!

Two reporters engage in a heated exchange with black conservative leaders at a press conference at the National Press Club on August 4, 2010 challenging the NAACP on its charges of racism within the tea party.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sarah Palin on Fox tonight

Nice interview with Sarah Palin on Hannity tonight.


Ok gang this will take 30 minutes to watch, but it is well worth it. Not because this is my blog, but I suggest that you pass the link on. It is very important to know what we are dealing with in this country.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Judge Napolitano talks about the Virginia Federal Judge allowing HCR to go to trial!!!

Thank GOD for the Federal Judge in Virginia!! Now order an injunction to hold up this going into effect!!!

Pete Stark with his foot in his mouth again!!!!

This guy is a joke!!! A 30 sum year Representative (we have seen him before) gets a lesson in the Constitution from a voter in a town hall. I don't know her, but I love her too. Nothing sexier than a patriotic woman!!!

Sarah Palin calls it like she sees it!

I love this woman more and more each day!


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Here is the Sunday Round Up...

Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday talking about the Dem's wanting to expire the Bush Tax Cut.

I can go on and on about what raising the taxes do to the economy, but I will let Sarah take it on (crib notes on the hand and all).

I do have to say that, if you haven't guessed it by now... I LOVE HER! Don't tell Cin.

Madam Speaker was on this week with Christiane Amanpour:

Also on Fox News Sunday... Boehner and McConnell on the midterms.