Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Merideth Viara gets schooled on taxes!

Really Merideth, the tax cuts didn't do anything. WILL YOU FRICKEN LOOK AT HISTORY! For the love of all that is holy will you do your job and look at facts and history!!!

George Stephanopoulos Wonders if First Amendment Should Be Rethought After Koran Burning Threat

Holy Mother of Mercy!!! When are we going to shut these folks down. These folks are dangerous!!! They want to dork with the first amendment, REALLY.

While I whole hardily disagree with anyone burning the sacred scriptures of anyone, I do support their right to do so. I feel the same about burning the flag. They have the right to build a Islamic Center two blocks from Ground Zero. I may not agree with it, but it is their right.

I will be damned if I allow them to even take the power of the first amendment away from me. These are dangerous times, we need to be vigilant.

Valerie Jarrett on the View

Go Elizabeth….

Ummm Ms. Jarrett how can the economy be worse than we predicted. Are you all that incompetent that you DIDN’T KNOW HOW BAD IT WAS!!!!

Oh and let’s get back to the old stand by…. BLAME BUSH.

Sweet love of Peter Edward Rose… When are these bastards going to start taking responsibility to the failed social engineering that all progressives (Democrat and Republican) have saddled on this country? What about the policies that started in the Carter Administration and has been carried through that created the housing bubble that burst. There is enough blame to go around!!!!

White House Science And Technology Czar Prefers Term 'Global Climate Disruption'

Well I wondered how long we would have to wait until they changed the game plan. What the “Climate Change” folks just seem to overlook is the fact that there is a pattern to the weather. What they also fail to look at is the relationship between global climate changes in comparison to solar activity and it proportional effects on other plants in our system. BUT WAIT let us not confuse the argument with facts.

If you look at the Global Climate Change folks all come back to is taxing producers of “Green House Gases.” In reality what they are really attempting to do is redistribute the wealth of wealthy nations, and give it to less fortunate ones.

Obama is a gay alien

Well not really but this is funny. Oh to be young and stupid again... NOT. The naiveté of the youth is rather refreshing. Unfortunately, he is probably getting all of his facts from his college professor or MSNBC.

Be careful if you are offended by the SH-- word. The young man says it about three times.

9/12 March Infiltrated By Lyndon LaRouche Supporters

Here is a hint... When you attempt to make the Tea Party look bad by bringing your hate filled signs to their events, DON'T PUT THEM ON THE BACK OF YOUR LAROUCHE SIGNS!! This is a fail of massive proportions.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tito the Builder gives the best speech from the 9/12 event!

If you listen closely, this is a great speech from Tito the builder. He is a from Columbia and became a citizen after 9/11.

If you get past the very thick accent, you will hear a very moving speech.

Mike Pence at the 9/12 event

Good speech my Mike Pence at the 9/12 event this weekend.

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin on 9/11/2010

This is great viewing. From begining to end. Some real good stuff. Seeing the world today through the eyes of the media, it is nice to see some normal people.

This is just over 14 minutes, but it is well worth the time.

Creative Signage at the 9/12 Events this Weekend

Very Funny!

Milton Friedman in Defense of Capitalism

Saw this old clip on Eyeblast. All I can say is WOW. I have never heard capitalism defended any more simply, or better than this.

Dick Armey Claims Next Congress Will Be Held Accountable To Conservatives

Dick Armey make some salient points at the 9/12 event this weekend.

In search of "People of Color"

A pretty cool little video from the 9/12 events yesterday in Washington. A reporter was on the look out for people of color amoung the Tea Party folks. I don't think he was too sucessful.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Something to Remember in Nobember

Please keep this video in mind this November!!!!

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Chris Cristie.... Got to love him!

Way to Go Joe!!!

Much of what I put on this blog is about negativity and zinging those who I feel are on the wrong side, but I have to give props when the other side does something right.

Joe Biden was on the Colbert Report and gave heartfelt praise and (almost) heartfelt praise to President Bush for their efforts in Iraq. While politically Joe and I are FAR apart, I have always felt he was the most real and human part of the current administration.

Way to go Joe!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Joe Biden
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Krauthammer Zings the President!

Not big on Krauthammer, he tends to be too Washington insider for me. However, he got a good one in on this one!!!

Walter E. Williams on Liberty

Can't add a thing to this one. Worth the listen.

Cynthia Tucker: Obama Caused Whites To Fear A ‘White Minority’

My dear you are smoking crack...She claims the whole “Tea Party” and the events of this whole summer is because we; Whitey, are afraid of our becoming a minority.

My dear, I will let you know that the whole Tea Party movement is because we don’t want to turn our lives over to the government to manage. We want freedom, and all of the risk and rewards that brings. To say that we are afraid of losing our “White Majority” is just a nicer way of using the race card.

This….. (I am holding my tongue) spits in the face of MLK and the others who struggled to win equality for their people. To cheapen that by throwing out the race card!!!!

Quran Burning.

While I fully support the right of this church to burn the quran, I do believe in using sound judgement. If there is any chance that the actions of this church could cause one soldier to die, they need to refrain from this action.

The other thing that they also need to remember is that they are Christians, and would Jesus burn the quran as an act of vengence?

BTW... Check out how they spelled Quran!